Yuu Mahiru Uncensored Review

Yuu Mahiru Uncensored Review

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Yuu Mahiru uncensored is a sexy and hot manga that shows the relationship between two teenage girls. It’s a story about friendship, love and power. The main characters are Guren Hiragi and Mahiru Saito. Both are members of the Order of the Imperial Demons and childhood friends. Mahiru’s family belongs to a lower branch, the Ichinose. Getting close to someone from a higher-up branch is frowned upon for an Ichinose member. Mahiru was often punished by the upper-class members of her family for this. She became close to Guren, which led to a lot of beatings from adults and other teenagers from the Hiragi family. This caused her to develop her demon power. The two were always together since they were children and even today, they are the best of friends.

Mahiru has a hard time controlling her demonic powers and she starts to hurt herself when she’s too excited. She’s also worried that her demon will take over her when she’s with Guren and that she won’t be able to control herself anymore. She asks Guren to be careful with her and not make her sad. He says that he wants to protect her.

During the qualification exams, Guren fights students of other classes one-on-one. He fights badly but manages to win by “accidentally” hitting his opponent. His victory makes everyone mock him. At the same time, he hears from Kureto that Mahiru betrayed the Hiragi Family and is a traitor. Guren is shocked at this information but denies that she’s the traitor.

The next day, the squad’s training starts. Guren meets Mito, Goshi and Shinya. He sarcastically tells them to hold hands and they reply that they’re not going to skip squad meetings to make out. He then explains to them the documents from Mahiru’s apartment that list the children involved in the Seraph of the End experiment and prophesied the destruction of the world. He also warns them about the vampire queen who lives in Kyoto.

After the training, the squad goes to a cafe for a break. Shinya notices that there are many men around and he tells Guren to stay away from them. Guren tries to ignore him but is stopped by the cries of Mahiru who’s crying in pain. She has a cut on her arm and is bleeding heavily.

A vampire appears at the window and greets Mahiru, who is nonplussed. She calls for Asuramaru and cuts the vampire in half, turning her into ash. Then, a man appears who is an assassin from the Thousand Nights. He informs Guren that they’re trying to weaponize the Seraph of the End, which is actually punishment from the gods. He calls Guren a foolish and arrogant human who craves everything and will lose everything. He invites him to join him and Mahiru. They’ll build a better future together.  Click here for more information Kaede Ichijou uncensored

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